Thursday, November 29, 2012

How does psychology as a scientific discipline differ from the casual observations we make about the world in everyday life? What are the similarities?

Psychology as a scientific discipline differs from casual observations because psychology uses science for its results as far as observed behaviors in everyday life, while casual observations are not scientifically based observations. Psychology as a scientific discipline processes observed data by using the steps of the scientific method (make observations, propose a hypothesis, design an experiment to test the hypothesis, test the hypothesis, accept or reject the hypothesis, and revise the hypothesis or draw conclusions) making it empirical data. Psychology is built on reproducible experimentation. Therefore, one will come to the same results as another. Psychology, also use perspectives, such as the psychodynamic, behaviorist, cognitive, and evolutionary perspectives to determine the meaning behind observed behaviors in everyday life. Casual observations tend to be subjective. The significance of an observed object is based on one's opinion that may vary from another's opinion even if it is observed by the same means. Therefore, one's perception is based on one's own worldly view differing from another's perception.
     Psychology as a scientific discipline and casual observations are similar because both require analysis of what is observed as to determine its significance. Analysis is used to determine the meaning behind what is observed in both psychology and through casual observations.