Monday, March 18, 2013

Hypothesis Testing

     A hypothesis is a prediction, which one expects to occur and intends to test in a research study (Aron, Aron, & Coups, 2009). Hypothesis testing is a process using statistics to determining if the results of a study support a certain theory, which one believes applies to a certain population (Aron, Aron, & Coups, 2009). Hypothesis testing is a process that involves five steps: 

Step 1: Restate the question as a research hypothesis and a null hypothesis about the populations. 
In this first step one makes a research hypothesis concerning a predicted relation among populations. The null and research hypothesizes are the opposite of each other. A correct research hypothesis means the null hypothesis cannot be correct, and a correct null hypothesis means the research hypothesis cannot be correct. 

Step 2: Determine the characteristics of the comparison distribution.
In the second step by reaching a true null hypothesis the population situation represents the comparison distribution, which is the distribution compared to the score and based on the results of the sample. 

Step 3: Determine the cutoff sample score on the comparison distribution at which the null hypothesis should be rejected. 
In this third step, reject the null hypothesis if the point of the cutoff sample score reaches or exceeds the sample score. If the null hypothesis is true the Z score is set at a score, which would be unlikely. 

Step 4: Determine your sample’s score on the comparison distribution. 
In this fourth step one gathers the test’s sample results. 

Step 5: Decide whether to reject the null hypothesis. 
In this fifth step one either declares the test invalid or rejects the null hypothesis by comparing the cut off Z score to the sample’s Z score.

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