Feist and Feist, (2009), “although no single definition is
acceptable to all personality theorists, we can say that personality is a
pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give
both consistency and individuality to a person’s behavior” (p. 4). There are varying
aspects that determine personality. Also, there are varying different approaches
concerning the development of personality in psychology. An approach is a certain
perspective involving particular assumptions; that is, in regard to personality
for instance, the development of personality and what aspects affect such
development. In regard to such approaches to personality, two approaches in
particular, that is, biological and humanistic approaches provide explanations
as to the development of personality. Not only do these two approaches explain
the development of personality, but also does the use of Maslow's hierarchy of
needs in explaining the extent of growth needs have on influencing the
formation of personality. Also, influencing the formation of personality are
particular biological factors; which also have a relationship with Marlow’s
theory of personality. However, biological explanations of personality are
incompatible with basic aspects of the humanistic theory.
Growth Needs Influencing Personality
American psychologist, Abraham Harold Maslow was famously
known for creating a hierarchy of needs; referred to as Maslow's hierarchy of
needs. Such hierarchy of needs can explain the extent of influence that growth
needs have on the formation of personality. Therefore, Maslow would divide
organismic needs into groups of needs. First, there are physiological needs,
including shelter, sex, water, and food. Therefore, moving to the next level of
needs requires meeting these lower levels of needs first. Second, there are
safety needs; incorporating security and safety; therefore, seeking safety
through other individuals and striving to find protection is a necessity.
Growth will only continue when meeting such goals in regard to thinking about needs
of a higher level. Third are love and belonging needs; including a need for
belonging, acceptance, and love. Once such needs are met seeking out
friendships brings about feelings of belonging.
Also focus is on desires of being accepted, fitting in, and a
sense of belong. Fourth, esteem needs, including the need for respect,
competence, education, and achievement. Therefore, what occurs is a focus of energy
on a sense of accomplishment, respect for other individuals, self-respect, and
respect from other individuals also. Last is the need for self-actualization;
therefore, realizing one’s fullest potential. In Maslow’s belief was that
self-actualization was the highest form of need. In his hierarchical of needs,
lower needs have to be largely satisfied in order for higher needs to become of
importance (Friedman & Schustack, 2011). Indeed, the formation of
personality is under the influence of growth needs.
Biological Factors Influencing Formation of
In regard to biological factors and personality, it is clearly
evident that genetic makeup has a critical influence on the formation of
personality; and in such a complex means. Biological theorists hold the belief
that genetics have a role in determining or have a significant role in the
formation of personality. Genes along with intelligence are determining factors
in the formation personality. However, if biological factors do not have a direct
effect on personality then how a human looks affects how they perceive themselves
and how other humans interact with them. In regard to the indirect affect, that
is, a determining factors of how a human will develop into adulthood.
Therefore, the formation of personality indeed relies on biological factors.
Relationships between of Biological Factors
and Maslow’s Theory
there is a relationship involving Marlow’s theory of personality and biological
factors. To a particular extent, Maslow’s hierarchy of personality relate to
biological factors because biological factors such as physical characteristics,
heredity, and the brain are a necessities during levels of growth. Every behavior
and action such as enlightenment, security, the needs for basic needs, and
others are behaviors and actions resulting from internal and biological instincts.
Also, physiological needs such as sex, sleep, food, and breathing are significantly
biological requirements. In particular ways the relationship between Marlow's theory
of personality and biological is critical.
Humanistic Theory Incompatibility with
Biological Explanations
Humanistic theories’ basic concepts and biological explanations or
theories differ significantly. Also, the subject matter and ideology of
humanistic theories’ approach to personality differ from biological theories. Humanistic
theories allow for self-fulfillment, heroism, true creativity and for free will
in regard to personality development. In regard to self-fulfillment that is,
becoming not being or moving towards self-fulfillment in regard to a healthy
personality. Self-actualization is the innate process that allows humans to
realize self-potential and develop spiritually (Friedman & Schustack, 2011).
Humanistic theories focus on the present tense instead of looking toward the
future or past; therefore, the more so important aspects of human personality
are self-worth and what occurs presently. Humans that are healthy are
responsible for taking responsibility for oneself; regardless of behavior.
Also, every human possesses inherent worth; as well as the goal of
life is achieving understanding and personal growth. Humanistic theories follow
beliefs in regard to every human relying not on thought processes but rather on
feelings. Humanistic theories derive from dynamic and complex inner motives
that do not hold compatibility with the biological explanations in regard to
human personalities; such as with biological theories focusing on thought
processes instead of a sense of self-worth, and with biological or genetic
influences or structures that determine personality; therefore, biological
theories follow beliefs in regard to personality being under the control of
genetics (Friedman & Schustack, 2011). Humanistic and biological theories differ
such as biological and humanistic provide assumptions in regard to the
development of personality. Using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as previously
seen is necessary when discussing the extent that personality formation is
under the influence of growth needs. Also, as particular biological factors have
an effect on influencing the formation of personality as well. Examining such
biological factors assists in understanding the relationship to Maslow’s theory
of personality. Also, as previously explained, particular aspects of the humanistic
theory are not compatible with personality’s biological explanations.
Friedman, H.S., &
Schustack, M.W., (2011). Personality:
Classic Theories and Modern Research
(5th ed.). Allyn & Bacon.
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