Saturday, May 18, 2013

How do psychological needs and personality traits differ in the manner in which they motivate behavior? If psychological needs have presumptive brain or physiological correlates, are they still psychological needs?

      Psychological needs push an individual's behavior toward satisfying activities or incentives. Some examples of psychological needs include food, water, breathing, shelter, clothing, homeostasis, and sexual reproduction. These psychological needs push an individual's behaviors in different ways depending on the circumstances of that need, and what that need relates to. When needs are met satisfaction is produced, however when needs are unsatisfied psychological ill health is produced (Deckers, 2010). Motivation comes from within an individual to satisfy his or her needs and to attain psychological health (Deckers, 2010). As for personality traits, they do not push an individual's behavior like psychological needs. Personality traits are what determines whether incentives are valued in two different ways, which is positively or negatively (Deckers, 2010). For example, an individual with the trait of extraversion will positively value and is pulled to join large social clubs and attend large social gatherings. However, an introvert will negatively value joining large social clubs and attending large social gatherings.
     I do believe that if psychological needs have presumptive brain or physiological correlates, they are still psychological needs. The reason why is because needs exist permanently, and lie dormant until activated (Deckers, 2010).
Deckers, L. (2010). Motivation: Biological, psychological, and environmental (3rd.ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

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