Sunday, October 27, 2013

Do you believe an individual has a choice in constructing their personality? Why or why not?

          Personality makes each individual who he or she is, and makes him or her different from other individuals. An individual's personality also influences almost every aspect of his or her life. The development of an individual's personality is determined by different factors, which one may or may not have a choice in determining what factors develop his or her personality. I think that an individual does and does not have a choice in constructing his or her personality. Heredity and the environment both have an effect on an individual's personality; therefore one does and does not have a choice in constructing his or her personality. Heredity is not something an individual has any control over as far as how it affects one's personality development. The environment or life experiences shape an individual's personality and in some instances an individual does have control over his or her environment or life experiences. Heredity contributes to the construction of an individual's personality but does not contribute to changes in one's personality as one develops from childhood into adulthood. The environment and life experiences contribute to the construction of an individual's personality and can contribute to changes in an individual's personality as one develops from childhood into adulthood but certain aspects of an individual's personality remain constant throughout his or her lifespan.  

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