Monday, May 26, 2014

Attitude Survey

          Hogan (2007), “an attitude is usually defined with respect to its object” (p. 573). Since attitudes attach to objects it makes them recognizable in regard to distinguishing between personality traits and interests. Measuring attitudes is a significant means of assessing individuals’ thoughts, feelings, and actions in regard to an object. Psychologists use attitude surveys for translating individuals’ subjective attitudes into empirical data. An attitude survey has the capacity of providing information that is significant and valuable in regard to assessing the thoughts, feelings, and actions of individuals in regard to an object. Developing an attitude survey requires six essential steps that are the identical six steps required in developing tests. The six steps include defining the test's (or survey’s) purpose, preliminary design issues, item preparation, item analysis, standardization and ancillary research programs, and preparation of final materials and publication (Hogan, 2007). These six steps provide the typical chronological order and logical progression for developing an attitude survey (Hogan, 2007).
Defining the Test’s Purpose
          The development of a survey starts with the first step, that is, a statement that clearly defines the purpose for the survey. Therefore, the purpose of the attitude survey I developed is to assess or measure the attitudes of college graduates in regard to college degrees, that is, whether college graduates agree with the value of college degrees or do not agree with their value.
Preliminary Design Issues
          The next step in the development of an attitude survey is making decisions in regard to the design of the survey. These decisions are the result of the survey’s purpose and intended score interpretations and practical considerations (Hogan, 2007). The survey administration is by a college graduate who has an understanding of the time, effort, and cost occurred when obtaining and completing a college; therefore, college students or individuals who never attended college cannot administer the survey. The length of this survey will be a short administration time of 15 minutes; making it more effective survey. I developed my attitude survey based on the Likert format, that is, a purpose-built selected-response true or false item format (Hogan, 2007). This survey will yield 10 scores, one score for each item that measures the attitude of the respondents; with the possible answers being either true or false.
          A score report will be a handwritten record of respondent scores. The score report will be a compilation of every individual score compiled into a total score of true-false answers. As for administrator training, the only requirement to administer, score, and interpret this survey will be that one has to hold at least a Bachelors of Science in Psychology. As for background research, I performed extensive research in regard to the cost of a four year degree and the average yearly and lifetime compensation one will receive with and without a college degree. The only design issues that arose were determining how to compile items or questions that would reflect the attitudes of college graduates.   
Instructions for Administering, Scoring, and Interpreting the Survey
          Administering this survey will take place at the University of Phoenix alumni functions and meetings. The administrator will sit with each respondent while he or she answers each survey in 15 minutes. As for scoring, the administrator will add the separate total of true responses and then add the total false responses of each survey; then add the total of true response scores of every survey and then add the total of false response scores of every survey. As for interpreting the survey results and the attitudes of the respondents, the interpreter will compare the total scores of true and false responses. If the total sum of true score responses is higher than false score responses than the attitude of college graduates is that they agree with the value of college degrees. If the total sum of false score responses is greater than true score response then the attitude of college graduates is that they do not agree with the value of college degrees.
Standardization and Ancillary Research Programs and Publication
          Alumni of the University of Phoenix will be the norm group as for this survey; therefore, its standardization is the result of administering it to the varying alumni members. The standardization program will take place at alumni functions and meetings. In regard to ancillary research programs, such programs will occur by analyzing the data resulting from the norming program (Hogan, 2007). As for publication, the directions to administer and interpret this survey, as well as the technical manual, score report, and supplementary materials will be available through the University of Phoenix Alumni Association’s website.     
            The attitude survey I developed uses the six essential steps of test development and follows the Likert scale format; true-false items of achievement for assessing or measuring attitudes. My survey is an attempt to assess or measure the thoughts, feelings, and actions of respondents. The specific purpose of the survey was to assess or measure the attitudes of college graduates in regard to college degrees.
Hogan, T. P. (2007). Psychological testing: A practical introduction (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

True-False Items
For the 10 items listed, either mark true or false if the item is true or mostly true or false or mostly.
1.      Is a college degree still worth the time, cost, and effort?
True or False
2.      Is college a safe bet?
True or False
3.      Do college graduates earn higher pay?
True or False
4.      Better jobs are available for college graduates?
True or False
5.      Is going to college a mistake for many individuals?
True or False
6.      Is the cost of earning a college degree and graduate degrees too high?
True or False
7.      Does the financial cost justify going to college?
True or False
8.      Is not going to college more expensive than going to college?
True or False
9.      Are college graduates better off than non-college graduates?
True or False
10.  Do college graduates have better and more opportunities of employment?
                  True or False

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